the Alchemist's Portal

I've put together this membership option for those of you who might wish to engage in an intense period of study across ecoprint bundling and making new garments from old, along with access to 'the Journeywoman's Second Skin' which looks at ways of dyeing textile objects made with new cloth.

The annual investment is less than half the cost of all of the courses together when purchased individually, and if you can rocket through them all in a month you'll have lots of spare change left over to invest in materials!

Here's what is included ::

Conscious Clothing


the Journeywoman's Second Skin

String Things

Roll up and Dye :: ecoprint essentials

the Perpetual Dyepot

Botanical Alchemy for Smallish Spaces


the Alchemist's Apron

Please note that Teachable lists the annual subscription as a monthly payment of 1/12 of the whole...which I agree is confusing but I can't seem to find a way around...

Select Your Tier

Become a member by selecting a membership tier below.



The Alchemist's Portal



billed monthly

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8 courses

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1 digital download